13 Foods Should Not Ever Eat When You On Diet !!!


There are several food varieties that nutritionist and healthy experts strongly advocate against, especially processed foods and meats, as they are loaded with chemicals and added preservatives. It's always healthy to have a favourite dish that is indulgent and you can't seem to eliminate from your diet. And the best part is, each and every recipe in the world can be created with a healthy, nutrient-dense twist as long as you pick out the right ingredients.

We've compiled a list of 14 foods that nutritionists never add to their daily diets, and you must also eliminated or limit their use as they don't contain a single ounce of nutrients.

1. Pepperoni

Pepperoni not only tastes funny, but it is nothing more than overly processed meat that is completely devoid of essential nutrients. So, eliminate it from your diet and make your pizzas with a much more nutrient-dense meat and an assortment of fiber-rich veggies.

2. Non-Dairy Creamer

Non-dairy creamers are incredibly unhealthy as they contribute to the risk factors of heart ailments. They don't contain a single trace of nutrients, and they are made with nothing but sugar and preservatives.

3. Processed / Canned Meat & Cheese

Processed and canned varieties of cheese and meat are created with high doses of sodium sugar, preservatives, and additional thickeners that are loaded with chemicals. If animal-based and other
products have to be given a long shelf-life, they are made with generous amounts of processing to ensure their protection against contamination and microbial growth.

Therefore, that causes them to be brimming with preservatives and sodium, which are highly unhealthy for your heart and body. These mystery meats, a name given to certain processed meat varieties, are devoid of essential nutrients, and you must always pick out farm fresh and organic versions instead.

4. Gmos

It's always safer and ideal to create your diet with organic produce, natureal plant-based nutrients and fine qualityfoods that are made in clean environments. Remember, if your product or food isn't environmentally sustainable, it's not healthy for you.

5. Maraschino Cherries

Maraschino cherries are loaded with artifical dyes, chemical and heaps of added sugar, which destroys the nutrient density of these naturally succulent fruits.

6. Diet Soda

If you believe that consuming diet sodas will help you quench your thirst and shed away those unwanted pounds, you are unbelievably wrong. You see, diet soda drinkers believe that they can enjoy the sweetness of a soda without packing up too many calories and sugar, but the effect is entirely opposite.

Basically, diet sodas increase our sugar cravings and this causes a sharp increase in our caloric intake for the entire day. Diet sodas are brimming with chemicals that don't aid in reducing or preventing the accumulation of extra pounds and calories.

We strongly advise you to start cutting down your diet soda intake and eliminate it from your diet entirely. If you crave a cold beverage or an energizing kick of caffeine, fix yourself a tall of iced coffee or a cup of green iced tea. And if you must enjoy a bubbly fizzy drink, treat yourself to a club soda with a dash of lime juice or a squeezed lemon.

7. Fat-Free Dairy Products & Cold Cereals

Steer clear of cold cereals and fat-free dairy products, especially milk.You see, most cold cereal varieties available in the market tend to make false claims of fiber and protein, while they are actually brimming with added sugars and preservatives. They are unable to fill you up and you experience a sugar crash that drives your appetite in less than hour.

Also, most people believe that fat-free dairy products are a better alternative that full fat varieties in order to lose weight. But not only do these fat-free varieties taste terrible, but they also lack the healthy fats that our body receives from regular full-fat dairy products. so, don't deprive your diet from the deliciousness and beneficial nutrients of fine quality full fat dairy products.

8. Orange Powdered Snacks

Snacks that have a fluorescent orange color due to heaps of orange powder, mostly the chippy and crunchy processed junk food varieties, not only brim our body with heaps of calories, but more dangerously, the allow countless harmful chemicals to enter our system.

In case you are wondering, orange has nothing to do with their color for they are made with artificial color, heaps of salt and harmful chemicals. Therefore, it's important that you can your family, especially kids who are fond of these treats, stay away from these unsafe orange powered snacks.

9.  Soda

Sodas contain no nutrients whatsoever, and they are drenched with heaps of sugar so it's just the same as drinking your candies with every bottle that you consume. Instead, why don't you fix yourself ice cold juices and smoothies at home.

10. Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial Sweeteners are unnatural and fake for they don't pack up a single trace of nutrients. And the worst part is that they taste horribly unlike natural sweeteners.

So, instead of these artificial varieties, why don't you pick out some nutrient rich natural sweeteners, like organic honey or some decadent dark chocolate shavings.

11. Sugar-Rich Drinks

It's always better to eat your calories by sneaking in a generous serving of chocolate or ice cream instead of devouring sugary drinks and colas throughout the day. You can also save up these calories for a tall glass of wine at the end of the day.

You see, packaged and processed beverages are completely devoid of essential nutrients and they don't quench your thirst or satiate your hunger. It's ideal that you also limit your sugar intake in homemade juices, tea or coffee.

12. Bacon

It's alright to eat bacon once in a month when you're eating out at a fancy restaurant or having breakfast with your friends, and a slice bacon somehow ends up in your plate filled with veggies. But devouring bacon on a daily basis is an extremely unhealthy habit as it is packed with heaps of sodium and saturated fat, whick makes it an incredibly unhealthy food for your heart and cholesterol levels.

13. Hot Dogs

Nutritionists steer clear of hot dogs, which are basically nothing more than processed and preservative-rich meat that doesn't contain any protein whatsoever. Swap this unhealthy meal for a handful nuts or half an avocado, both of which will fill you up and keep you satiated for hours.

@ https://health-zone.org/13-foods-nutritionists-never-ever-eat/
